About Kisnou.
Ranging from soft and nostalgic piano melodies to soundscapes that let the imagination wander, Kisnou's music is often defined as otherworldly: creating places where stories and sound meet. Each song is a journey, through dark but warm atmospheres.
"[Kisnou] is undoubtedly a.. criminally underrated writer, not just a musician - his compositions must be felt deeply in the realms of your imagination, only then one can fully grasp the meaning behind every creation. His latest album ‘The Untold Story of the Rainmaker’ is an incredibly vast work of art, combining music, vocals, poetry, narration and storywriting in five episodes of a mysterious, nostalgic, heartfelt story that cannot be compared to anything else you have listened to in the last decade. A plot inspired by his personal experience, sung in the key of an (inverted) Theseus & Ariadne theme, with exponentially articulated poems as tribute to the Divine Comedy. All combined with stunning black and white artworks and animations. Kisnou is a storyteller, a bard of today's time. When the night comes, turn the lights off and listen to his work. It will be the first step to embark on a fantastic journey - and be careful: you might wish it has no ending."
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